Distance Guide

MessageTiles away
You are practically standing on the marked spot!0
The marked spot is in front of you a stone's throw away!1-3
The marked spot is in front of you very close4-5
The marked spot is in front of you pretty close by6-9
The marked spot is in front of you fairly close by10-19
The marked spot is some distance away in front of you20-49
The marked spot is quite some distance away in front of you50-199
The marked spot is rather a long distance away in front of you200-499
The marked spot is pretty far away in front of you500-999
The marked spot is far away in front of you1000+
The marked spot is very far away in front of you2000+

Treasure Maps randomly spawn by digging (also flattening and leveling), mining (tunneling and surface mining), fishing, and/or hunting creatures.

Activate a compass and right-click the Map, select "Read Map". Stand still while it's reading, face a single direction.

You'll get a general distance and direction, use the table above to see where to go next. Keep reading the map until you're on top of the tile.

When you find the tile, use your shovel on the map to unearth the treasure chest (don't dig the ground).

When the chest is revealed, Mobs will "ambush" you. These mobs are level tied to the ql of the map.

Sometimes a chest will contain a very large item, try using "take" instead of dragging it to another inventory.